New schemes and Future Years Variations to be added to the Capital Programme for 2022/23 and 2023/24 to be approved


New Capital Project Approval Request


Economy, Environment & Culture


Cit Environment Management - Cityparks

Project Title:

Tennis Court Improvement

Total Project Cost (All Years) £:





Purpose, Benefits & Risks:

The scheme will support bringing the city’s tennis courts back up to a playable state and to put them in a financially sustainable situation. A grant of £0.245m has been awarded from the Lawn Tennis Association toward this project. The grant also covers charging and booking equipment and programmes. Generally, the service will be delivered by CIC’s (Community Interest Company) going forward, however, where CICs are not formed, the council will need to run these courts.




Capital Expenditure Profile (£’000):

Funding Source (see guidance below)






Total All Years

Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) capital grant







External Contribution







Revenue contribution – Income Collection & Planned Maintenance














Total Estimated Costs & Fees










Financial Implications:

A capital grant for tennis court upgrades of £0.245m is being provided by the Lawn Tennis Association to support the tennis court upgrade programme over the two financial years. The financial shortfall is being made up of funding pots, including income collection and a public donation via Saltdean revenue contributions. It is anticipated both sums will be in the region of £0.010m so the top up sum required from the service revenue maintenance budget will be much smaller than the £0.025m earmarked for the city’s tennis courts. Any top up required will be from the 2023/24 budget allocation. Some works have had to commence to ensure seasonal use is optimised.



New Capital Project Approval Request


Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities


Housing General Fund

Project Title:

Travellers Site Fund

Total Project Cost (All Years) £:



Purpose, Benefits & Risks:


The Traveller Site Fund aims to increase the provision of traveller sites to address under-provision, maintain an appropriate level of supply and reduce the level of unauthorised encampments by refurbishing existing transit or permanent sites, equipment, and facilities associated with existing temporary stopping places. This scheme aims to deliver:


1) Improved shower/toilet facilities

2) Expansion of the community room

3) Construction of a playground for the children



Capital Expenditure Profile (£’000):

Funding Source (see guidance below)






Total All Years

Grant from DLHUC














Total Estimated Costs & Fees








Financial Implications:


This scheme is wholly funded by the grant from DLUHC and was awarded in January 2023. The project plan is out for agreement with DLUHC and the spend will be in 2023/24. The children’s playground will require on-going revenue maintenance, however, the new investment should attract more families to the site and therefore rental and service charge income will increase to cover any extra maintenance costs which are expected to be manageable within budget.




New Capital Project Approval Request


Health & Adult Social Care


Provider Services, Wayfield Avenue

Project Title:

New Vehicle

Total Project Cost (All Years) £:





Purpose, Benefits & Risks:


There is a need to purchase a new County Car to replace the existing one. It is intended to purchase an all-electric vehicle to comply with the Council’s commitment to reduce carbon footprint. There will also be a need for a charge point to be installed at the Wayfield Avenue site at a cost of circa £1,700.


The vehicle specification and requirements have been reviewed by Directorate Management and Finance to ensure value for money.





Capital Expenditure Profile (£’000):

Funding Source (see guidance below)






Total All Years

Capital Receipts







Capital Borrowing














Total Estimated Costs & Fees










Financial Implications:


Wayfield Avenue received £20,709.60 from the sale of 2 minibuses which had been used to transport service users to and from their Day Centre. This Day Centre was closed permanently during 2021/22. The capital receipt from these sales can be set aside to support the purchase of a new County Car for Wayfield Avenue. The current car is old, unreliable, and costing money and increasing time off the road to repair. Capital borrowing will be used to match-fund the capital receipt and will be repaid over 5 years from within the existing service revenue budget.